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China Shrink Cream .5Oz

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    This shrink creme is sure to please even the Kings. When applied to the vagina and around the opening, the vagina will proceed to tighten, and the effect will last for a period of 24 hours. Even if you are a woman who has given birth to many children, this will enhance your sex life back to the way it once was. China Shrink Creme is made of precious herbs which carry no adverse side affects.


    China Shrink Cream .05oz-Nasstoys-Sexual Toys®
    China Shrink Cream .05oz-Nasstoys-Sexual Toys®

    Customer Reviews

    Based on 11 reviews
    Review of NW0203

    I am married & a mother of two (natural child birth) i have been stretched, enough that i can feel i have been. (and worse, that my hubby can feel that.. though he doesnt say it..)
    This product worked GREAT! (my husband LOVED it!) Unfortunately, he didnt go for long (until we got the sta hard for HIM!)
    This is a great product, use it & give it some time to work & have fun!

    Review of NW0203

    Ill be honest that I was convinced this wouldnt work(reviews have been mixed so that wasnt reassuring) PLUS my Healthcare provider had NEVER heard of anything like this and was dubious.
    Im 31 and have had 4 kids (all vag birth all 9-10 lbs and 21-22 inches long!).
    My husband says Im still tight(I am a keagel fiend!) but *I* am bothered by I how I perceive myself to feel so ,in a rash moment,figured what the hell? and bought some (I figured Id try it on my own and if it worked Id go on to surprise him)WOW!! The final result was better than expected!!
    At application it was a bit grain-y feeling and kinda tingly but then nothing....I wondered if I put enough on? did I put it where I was supposed to? But when I was playing with a (favorite) toy I couldnt belive it...My pussy was tight1 I mean T-I-G-H-T!!!! Even with lube I was having difficulty penetrating myself!! AMAZING!!!
    This might not be for everybody but it worked for me and its not like youre breaking the bank to try out(no harm,no foul!)
    I CANNOT wait to surprise my husband!!!!

    Review of NW0203

    I liked that my pussy was soo tight and my lover liked that too! I applied it to my anus too and i was having orgazm after orgazm! Amazing product!

    Review of NW0203

    this stuff is great!!! I had my doubts at first, but when I had sex with my man we were both like wow!!! we have to get some more of this stuff! my vagina was so tight! my man cant keep his hands off me!! he just wants more and more of me !! thanks sex toys!!!

    Review of NW0203

    This product is well worth the price when applied as the directions say to it works unbelievably well! It made me so tight it actually hurt a little when my husband tried to enter! WE LOVED IT. And I will reorder this product!

    China Shrink Cream .5Oz (Multi-Color) Sex Enhancers comes with the Sexual Toys® 100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

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